Category Archives: Tree Surgery

How much does tree surgery cost?

Like with any other service, you might be in need of tree surgery at your property, but have no idea how much that might cost you. If that’s the case, just read on, and we will try to shine a bit of light on the subject to help you along!

Generally, the cost of various tree surgery services is never a fixed amount, mainly because every tree is different, and every job for that matter. There are many factors that affect the price of the service, such as the size of the tree, type, location or even how close it is situated to buildings or roads!

It always helps to get more than one quote from the contractors, which will give you a clear idea of the pricing to start with, but also rule out the ones that would overcharge you. Simply remove the ones with price quotes significantly higher than the rest from your list, and continue to the next step.

When obtaining a quote, you should ideally be informed about a few factors linked to the job, such as a description of the job that will be undertaken, total cost including VAT, and also whether the contractor will clean up all the waste produced in the process or not. A professional tree surgeon richmond will provide all the above information in a written form, so you could be sure exactly what you’re getting and how much it will cost you, without any surprises that might take place with verbal agreements.

It is crucial to hire a tree surgeon berkshire when needed, and not postpone it for any reason, as this might result damage to the surroundings. Also, make sure you check who you’re dealing with by researching whether the contractors are qualified, and ideally reading through the opinions of the previous clients. After all, a non qualified tree surgeon kingston can do a lot of damage in the process, so be extra careful!

Last, but not least, to answer the main question, how much will it all cost you? Generally, the standard approximate pricing for tree felling will be around £250, and the crown reduction will run you about £150 per tree. That of course will depend on the complexity of the job and on the contractor, but in general that’s the price you will have to pay, more or less.

If you are still left with some questions unanswered, why not contact one of our professional advisers directly?

Barkland Trees – Your Numer 1 Tree Surgeons

Barkland Trees offer professional tree surgeon berkshire services and cover the areas of berkshire, kingston and richnond, just to name a few.

Environmental Consultancy
Barkland Trees work with an independent environmental consultancy to provide advice and practical solutions for public and private sector clients on any issue involving living things from Arboriculture to Zoology. Since 2000 this company has completed in excess of 45,000 instructions for clients on projects throughout the UK. They have developed a high level of repeat business based on the quality of service, prompt delivery and the commercially aware solutions we provide. Contact Barkland Trees about our wide range of consultancy services which will save you time and money.

Arboricultural Consultancy
We provide all types of tree surgeon kingston & tree surveys from individual tree health assessments and Pre-Development Tree Condition Surveys (BS5837) through to large scale tree hazard surveys. If you require advice on any arboricultural issues then we have a team of experienced in-house consultants. We also provide reports to support planning applications, detailed method statements and advice on TPOs, Discharging Planning Conditions, Evidence for Planning Inquiries and Expert Witness Services. We specialise in providing site specific, commercially aware solutions at a fixed cost and will always meet your deadlines.

Ecological & Environmental Consultancy
Current operations cover ecological consultancy, including Phase 1 Habitat Surveys, Protected Species Surveys, bats, Great Crested Newts and mammals. MT scientists understand that clients require a ‘way forward’ that is both pragmatic and cost effective and not just a report outlining expensive environmental constraints leading to project delays. Commercial awareness is a key part of all staff training and our high level of repeat business clearly demonstrates the success of this approach. We will reduce complexity and bring our client to a point of effective Planning Condition compliance.

Environmental Groundworks
Apart from tree surgeon richmond services, our Groundworks division is able to provide a comprehensive range of services to assist you through all stages of planning. These include reptile/amphibian fencing, species & habitat translocation, Badger sett and Bat roost installation, tree root growth investigations (using non invasive compressed air technology), no-dig construction (design and implementation), Japanese knotweed and invasive weed management. We are able to design, erect and manage Tree Protection Fencing to meet Planning Condition requirements. The team is also experienced in large scale tree planting operations, the installation of root barriers and implementation of landscape schemes. The team is able to provide quotations and implement works nationwide.

So if you require a professional tree surgeon, or would like some advise, please contact us directly!