Category Archives: Locksmiths

What to do when you’re locked out of your house or car?

We’ve all been there. Standing in front of your house just to find you lost your house key. Having your lock jammed. Locking your car keys inside and so on. It’s nothing to be ashamed about, accidents happen and there’s no need to panic. All you need is a phone and a trained professional who will pick the lock for you or replace it altogether. Just give your local locksmith Guildford a call.

If you find yourself unable to open your own door and the hour is quite late, you’ll need a locksmith Aldershot that does emergency jobs and works 24/7. They might come at a premium price, but it’s not always the case. Best give them a call first to find out what they charge, or have a look online prior to making the phone calls if you have a minute to spare, might save you a couple of pounds.

Once you do your homework, give your locksmith a call and they should be with you in up to half an hour. Some of them will even arrive on site in 20 minutes or so, so don’t worry about having to wait all night.

Always try to choose a locksmith that’s listed with Check-a-trade to be able to read their reviews before calling them, and see whether they left their previous customers happy with the job they’ve done or not. It might also give you an idea of the price range and whether they tend to go over the quote originally given or not.

Once you’re back inside your house, you might also consider having your locks replaced for added security. After all, your old key is out there somewhere just waiting for someone to pick it up. Of course, chances that the finder will know which door it opens are slim, but better safe than sorry when it comes to security. Since you already have a locksmith on site, you might as well go for it, to avoid future call out changes if you change your mind.

What to do when you lock yourself out of your house?

It can happen for different reasons, whether you lost your keys, got mugged, or simply forgot where you put your keys, the fact is you’re standing in front of your own house and cannot get in!

Whatever the reason, and as embarrassing as it might feel, don’t panic. Calm yourself down and call your local locksmith, simple as that!

Once the locksmith Newport arrives, he will be able to assist you right away, and even cut out a new set of keys for you to replace the set that was lost or stolen. See, no need to panic, the solution is quite an easy and quick one! You don’t even have to worry if it’s late, most locksmiths perform emergency services like that any time of the day or night, just give them a call, wait for them to arrive and you’re all set.

The other situations you might find yourself in involve damaged locks, in which case even if you have your keys on you, it won’t do you much good and you will still find yourself locked out of your home. Solution? Same as before! Call your local locksmith and he will repair the broken lock for you on site, and replace it with a new, working one.

Most locksmiths cover not only emergency situations like the ones described above, but also provide a whole range of other domestic and commercial services, including installation of security locks, window locks, digital locks and many more.